Welcome to the database showing each state’s Driver Licensing Policies and Practices affecting older and Medically-At-Risk drivers. Click on the drop-down list to see how each state addresses the topic of interest to you.

This project was funded by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety and conducted by Dunlap and Associates, Inc.

Visual Requirements for Licensure
State Visual acuity for licensure without restrictions Minimum visual acuity for licensure, with or without restrictions Additional requirements for licensure if vision standards not met Bioptic telescopes allowed with or without added requirements/ restrictions Bioptic telescope to meet vision standards Minimum visual field requirements, in degrees
WY 20/40 without restriction 20/100 Vision specialist report and road test required if vision less than 20/40 Yes Yes 20/100 in carrier lens , 20/40 with bioptic
WV 20/40 20/60 Report from eye specialist Yes Yes None
WI 20/40 20/100 None Yes No 70° temporal field
WA 20/40 20/70 If vision is 20/50 or worse in better eye, re-examination of driving privilege required and restrictions may be added to the record Yes Yes 110° binocular and monocular
VT 20/40 20/40 None Yes Yes 60° monocular (60° temporal and nasal if one eye only)
VA 20/40 20/70 None Yes Yes 70° binocular and monocular for a restricted license
UT 20/40 20/100 If vision is 20/50 or worse in better eye, may be restricted No No 60° binocular with at least 30° to the right and left
TX 20/40 20/70 20/50 to 20/70 requires corrective lenses Yes Yes None
TN 20/40 20/60 Worse than 20/40 requires doctor's medical statement and restrictions Yes Yes None
SD 20/40 20/60 Worse than 20/40 requires doctor's opinion and restrictions Yes Yes None
SC 20/40 20/70 20/70 in better eye if at least 20/200 in other eye. If worse than 20/200 in other eye, must have at least 20/40 in better eye. Yes No None (refer to MAB if <140°)
RI 20/40 20/40 None No No 115° binocular
PA 20/40 20/70 to 20/100 Pass driver's skills test, mirrors on both sides of vehicle, plotted visual fields and driver record review annually, no motorcycles, limited to roads other than freeways, no vehicles over 10,000 pound gross weight Yes No 120° binocular or monocular
OR 20/40 20/70 Bioptics required for driving if acuity in better eye is between 20/80 and 20/200 Yes No 110° binocular or monocular (120° if bioptic used)
OK 20/50 20/60 if one eye 20/100 Visual field requirements Yes No
OH 20/40 20/70 Added requirements if less than 20/200 in one eye Yes Yes 70° temporal monocular
NY 20/40 20/70 Periodic reporting of current vision Yes Yes 140° binocular
NV 20/40 20/70 20/40 if progressive conditions exist. 20/60 or better in other eye if one eye 20/100 or worse. Yes Yes 130° binocular
NM 20/40 20/40 Vision report required if not 20/40 or better in at least one eye Yes Yes 120° temporal, 30° nasal monocular
NJ 20/50 20/50 in at least one eye Less than 20/50 requires form completed by doctor Yes Yes None
NH 20/40 20/30 if one eye 20/40 in both eyes, or 20/30 in one eye Daytime driving only Yes Yes
NE 20/40 20/70 If other eye not blind Yes Yes 100° binocular
ND 20/40 20/80 in better eye, both eyes 20/80 and weaker eye no worse than 20/100. 20/70 or 20/80 in better eye and 20/100 or better in weaker eye requires a road test prior to approval Yes Yes 105° binocular or monocular
NC 20/40 20/100 20/70 if blind in one eye Yes Yes 110° binocular, 60° monocular
MT 20/40 20/100 In better eye for a possible license with restrictions Yes No None
MS 20/40 20/200 None Yes Yes 150° binocular
MO 20/40 in at least one eye 20/160 Based on reading with or without corrective lenses may receive daylight driving only or 45 mph restrictions. Would be required to test if vision reading was 20/75 to 20/160. Yes No 55° or better binocular, 85° monocular
MN 20/40 20/80 Referred to MAB Yes No 105° binocular or special testing
MI Less than 20/40 to and including 20/50 20/70 in both eyes.Vision of 20/100 or less in one eye, other eye must be 20/50 or better. Daylight driving only restriction. Visual acuity less than 20/50 to and including 20/70 with no recognizable progressive abnormalities affecting vision. Visual acuity less than 20/50 to and including 20/60 with recognizable progressive abnormalities affecting vision. Yes Yes 90° binocular
ME 20/40 20/100 Daylight driving only Yes No 110° binocular or monocular
MD Binocular vision Visual acuity (Snellen) of at least 20/40 in each eye A continuous field of vision of at least 140 degrees Restricted licenses may be issued to persons having:(1) Visual acuity of at least 20/70 in one or both eyes; and (2) A continuous field of vision of at least 110 degrees, with at least 35 degrees lateral to the midline of each side.Note: These two requirements must be simultaneous.Persons with visual acuity levels less than 20/70, but no worse than 20/100, require special handling by the MVA's Glen Burnie Headquarters. Please contact the MVA's Modified Vision Unit for information and special forms. Requires MAB recommendation. See http://www.mva.maryland.gov/about-mva/info/26200/26200-13T.htm for more information Yes
MA 20/40 20/70 Daylight driving only Yes Yes 120° total horizontal peripheral
LA 20/40 None Less than 20/40 referred to vision specialist 20/70 to 20/100 requires road skills test 20/100 to 20/200 referred to MAB over 20/200 license suspended
KY 20/60 in at least one eye 20/60 in better eye Worse than 20/60 requires a doctor's opinion and demonstration of ability Yes Yes 35° to the left and right side of fixation, 25° above and below fixation
KS 20/40 There is not a minimum. However, if both eyes are 20/60 or worse, the driver must have clearance to drive from their vision doctor. Worse than 20/60 requires a doctor's opinon and demonstration of ability. Worse than 20/100 submitted for medical review, and worse than 20/400 privileges denied. Yes No 20° horizontal
IN 20/40 20/70 Outside rearview mirror and proof of normal visual fields required, daylight driving only Yes Yes 120° binocular
IL 20/40 20/70 20/70 in better eye for daylight driving only restrictions Yes Yes 140° binocular, 105° monocular (70° temporal and 35° nasal)
ID 20/40 in at least one eye 20/60 Regular vision testing, as determined by a qualified physician and/or regular requirement to pass skills test. Yes Yes None
IA 20/40 20/199 MAB recommendation if worse than 20/100 No No 110° binocular, 100° monocular
HI 20/40 each eye 20/40 both eyes 20/40 in one eye with corrective lenses Yes No 140° binocular, 70° monocular
GA 20/60 20/60 Individuals with a visual acuity better than 20/200 using the carrier portion of bioptic spectacles can be considered eligible for a driver's license if visual acuity of at least 20/60 is attained through a prescribed bioptic telescope and all bioptic driver requirements are completed. Yes Yes 140° binocular
FL 20/40 20/70 If one eye 20/200 or worse, other eye must be 20/40 or better. If one eye is better than 20/200, other eye or both eyes must be 20/70 or better. No No 130° binocular
DE 20/40 20/50 Beyond 20/50 driving privileges denied Yes Yes DE does not have a visual field
DC 20/40 20/70 With 140° visual field No No 130° binocular (110° approved by director)
CT 20/40 20/200 20/40 to 20/70 for normal restricted license No No 140° binocular, 100° monocular
CO 20/40 None No minimum requirement with vision specialist authorization and approval Yes Yes 55° temporal and nasal (binocular)
CA 20/40 both eyes, no worse than 20/70 in poorest eye, tested independent of the other Better than 20/200 Case-by-case basis including but not limited to: report of vision examination submitted by the eye doctor, and possible drive test for compensation of visual loss. Yes No None
AZ 20/40 20/60 Daylight driving only Yes Yes 70° temporal, 35° nasal monocular
AR 20/40 20/70 None Yes Yes 140° binocular, 105° monocular
AL 20/40 20/60 Periodic follow-ups from physician if progressive conditions exist Yes Yes 110° horizontal, 80° vertical (binocular)
AK 21/41 20/100 Report from eye specialist Yes Yes Telescopic/compound lenses with field of vision <60% will not be issued a Class D license, unless meets requirements for visual acuity without lenses aid; field of vision 60-90%, department may require outside rearview mirrors; department will not issue a CDL to person wearing telescopic or compound lenses with FOV <70%